Purina® RangeLand® Protein Tub
RangeLand® Protein Tubs are a free choice supplement designed for beef cattle on forage diets. The low-moisture, cooked molasses product enhances intake and utilization of available forages, while reducing labor. And, the recyclable ClearView plastic tubs allow the remaining feed level to be checked from a distance.
Features & Benefits
Low-moisture cooked molasses product technology
Consistent intake and nutrient delivery that helps eliminate over-consumption
Positive associative effects when fed with low-to medium-quality forages
Molasses provides readily available energy to stimulate rumen fermentation that helps the animal extract more energy from the forage, as demonstrated by research showing increased forage intake and utilization
Contains FDA-approved animal protein products
Provides high-quality by-pass proteins needed to optimize animal performance
Provides optimum levels of trace minerals at a 1-pound consumption rate
Supports fertility, immune function and overall health