Darren Engebretson
Grain Location Manager

Darren Engebretson
Grain Location Manager
Email: dengebretson@cfscoop.com
Office Phone: (507) 653-4448
Cell Phone: (507) 383-5201

Racquel Walters
Grain Advisor/Lead - Central

Racquel Walters
Grain Advisor/Lead - Central
Email: rwalters@cfscoop.com
Office Phone: (507) 854-3204
Cell Phone: (507) 525-8710

Corey Ehlers
Transport Driver - Delavan

Kelly McDermott
Agronomy Sales Assistant - Wells to Blue Earth Area

Kelly McDermott
Agronomy Sales Assistant - Wells to Blue Earth Area
Email: kmcdermott@cfscoop.com
Cell Phone: (507) 848-0871